Chosen Knights

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Chosen Knights are blessed champions ordained by The 14 Fundamentals. They are blessed with the ability to wield magics and are eligible to join The Round Table. A holy grail is bestowed upon them and those who drink from it will be granted the Chosen's blessing, with or without their consent.

There are many gods in this realm, and they each represent a distinct virtue that a Knight should uphold in order to be selected by one of them. Whether it be a pursuit of charity or justice, a Knight must pour all their heart and soul into such virtue.

Cardinal Sin knights are composed of repenters. They are powerful Knights chosen either by force or of their choice to bring upon balance to the world. They are usually paired with a knight of virtue to balance each other out, for too much virtue means losing your humanity, but too much sin means succumbing to it. They aren't 'evil', they simply safeguard the realm.

There cannot be more than one Chosen Knight at a time for each Sin or Virtue, but a Fundamental can choose to make one they deem worthy a candidate for the role, bestowing them a fraction of their power. For them to raise to the rank of Chosen Knight though, the actual Chosen must either die or no longer be worthy of its title. Their guidelines is to abide by their patron's will or want. They can go rogue whenever they want but will lose their blessing in the process, so most Chosen Knights work in a mutually beneficial relationship with their linked Fundamental.