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Greed is the concept of wanting more than one needs, for either personal gain or survival. Greed is fostering your environment to your benefit, in more ways than one. It pushes the idea of selfish altruism, in which helping others will ultimately benefit oneself. She has amassed a wealth of knowledge and artifacts which she hoards and lends to on occasion, all for the benefit of increasing her ever expanding collection.

Greed occasionally meddle in the affairs of mortals, by anonymously commissioning the creation of libraries and public schools, only to further push the development and expansion of cities, as she believes that educated followers would lead to greater worship.


Greed favors cunning folks who have a penchant for business as well as philanthropy, one who would be willing to risk big to gain big. She expects her followers to participate in the continuous flow of coins and economy, ensuring everyone contributes one way or another to society. Her followers tend to be merchants, bankers and entrepreneurs.

Greed gives her chosen a minor boost in physical and magical capabilities, her true gift are 5 rings that bestow abilities. The users of the rings themselves cannot use said abilities, but could lend the powers they bear unto others they deem worthy. Investing in the right people is a powerful ability on its own.

Path of Greed

"Everything is an investment, some takes longer than others to grow"

"Currency and value is useless alone, remember your neighbors, remember your allies, they are where true value lies"

“Be not afraid of risks, be afraid of obscurity”

"Seize every opportunity, do not be afraid of losses, we always stand to gain something"

"You have needs, satisfy them, you have as much right as the rich and the mighty, the mightiest of kings.

"But don't stop there, invest in your kingdom, the people around you are the one bringing the true joy."


  • Greed bestows the highest amount of artifacts towards mortal in all the Fundamentals. Each of them are wild in their effects, for her legendary artifacts are acquired from civilizations that rise and fall throughout history.
  • Greed takes the form of a Jade Dragon, highly revered within the Jade Fang Empire as she acts as their favored religion. Snakefolk, lizardfolk as well as dragons themselves consider Greed to be the superior Fundamental, and as such, their communities tend to worship her and her alone.
  • Greed appears to be a mix of a dragon as well as a dung beetle, not being complete figures of both, a horrible amalgamation that seem to always be swimming in gold.