Giovanni Esposito

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The Knight of Greed's main occupation is collecting taxes. When the Taxation Knights fail, Giovanni is usually called as a last, most extreme resort, and when people can't pay taxes, their assets are seized and repossessed in order to compensate.


The eldest son in a family of organized crime, he has since taken over the Esposito Family and turned it around into becoming a powerful and legal force. Now enforcing tax collection within Great Europa, he along with his Taxation Knights became one of the most feared orders within the Familiar Lands. Because of that, he is very disliked by many among the realms, but none dares to ever show it to his face, as it’s much better to have him as a friend than an enemy. No one wants the taxman to hold a grudge, after all.

Giovanni's intelligence network is one of the most expansive of all the individuals in the realm, he employs street urchins and sex workers for the most part to be his extra pair of ears.


The ultimate strength of the Chosen Knight lies not in himself, but in the relationships he has formed and the people who have chosen to follow him. His power stems from the loyalty and security that others would bring him; he regards them as all of his priceless treasures and a worthy investment.

In the possession of Giovanni are 10 enchanted rings entrusted by Greed. Giovanni himself could not harness the power individually contained within these rings, but he is able to lend them out to people he deems worthy. The ring may bestow powers such as flight, speed, increased strength or even the ability to wield magic. For example, Giovanni's right hand, Cash, has been given a ring that super boost her speed, which she often uses to reload her rifle.

Nothing is of course free in the eyes of Greed herself, there will always be a price. A deal with greed is a life binding pact, therefore he only lends his power to those desperate enough, and with a respectable intention. If he found such an individual, they must join his ever-growing family, perform a vow of loyalty, and finally they must kiss his ring in order to have the power given unto them.

Though he could be considered the weakest combatant within the Chosen's ranks, he can hold himself quite well thanks to skills taught by the Chosen of Patience, his favored weapon being the cane sword.


  • Out of a promise with his Mother, he swore to never harm a woman. However, this does not stop him from siccing his henchwoman after them if needed.
  • A fervent supporter of music, he would fund music academies and provide sponsorship for street artists and bards to enable them to flourish. He views it as a long-term investment because he doesn't want to miss out on what might turn out to be a diamond in the rough. He plays the piano, but he no longer has the time to invest in honing his own abilities, and he’d rather invest in others whose potential shine far brighter than his.
  • Giovanni always keeps his word and would never try to deceive or scam someone. Thus, he regards tricksters and blackmailers as the lowest form of filth and would not hesitate to punish them.