Alexandra Athana

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Alexandra is an ordinary human blessed with Patience's blessing of longevity. She has lived through great wars, plagues and famines, and have learned several libraries worth of knowledge. Despite, she still considers herself a warrior and a poet, living through the familiar lands as a piece of history.

The idea of a warrior is different to her, she does not uphold chivalrous ideals or shame a scar in the back. As long as she stands back up, that is enough. Pride means little to her, she’s a patient woman, who knows it doesn’t matter too much and that the passage of time will always do its work.


At least 1000 years old, she's a survivor of a civilization long gone. Rumors say that her city has sunken deep beneath the ocean at some point, changed and forgotten. Throughout history, she has taken the role of mentor to history's greatest knights and leaders, teaching both martial skills and war tactics. She was for example a teacher to Lord Perry Potata, Giovanni Esposito and Matko Stanković.

Her hair is graying with the stress accumulated throughout the era. She has seen a great many things and endured so much, her mind is waning, yet she tries her best to cling on. Even though she is so long-lived, Alexandra wouldn't make a great contribution to history books, as she remains an unreliable narrator because she likes to mess with people.

Considering her status of Chosen Knight, it is natural that she have more than 10 Crown Seals, but combined with her longevity, she now holds so many that she no longer carry them on her person. Recently, Flayne la Karrotte challenged her to a duel upon the golden rule of engagement in order to claim one of her many Crown Seals. Alexandra won easily and took Flayne's spear as her reward. The duel is known to have been witnessed by Patience and Lust of The 14 Fundamentals.


With a human's perception of time, as well as their innate urgency and knack for learning, she has mastered all known weapons to ever exist within the Familiar Lands, earning her the moniker of Jack of all trades, master of all. For example, she uses firearms very effectively, and has invented a few styles of her own, accumulating more and more techniques, despite the technology being mostly confined to the United States of LittleFolks.

Though, aside from her great skill and experience, she remains an ordinary human with very human weaknesses. Alexandra is only long-lived, her scars do not heal, thus she can easily be felled by disease or a simple blade. It is a testament to her skills that she has since survived this long.


  • Alexandra still have family, Though she’s no longer a part of their life, as it already went on for generations, and she’s too old to connect with them. You rarely get to invite a great-great-great grandma to the cookouts.
  • She wears a pixie lamp made to ward off curses. She already has curses aplenty, and doesn’t want to stack it up even further, thus wearing the lamp as a protection.
  • Covered neck to toe with permanent scars, she has lost limbs a few times and had it reattached by a healer, at the cost of yet more scars.
  • Alexandra's armor has been fixed and repaired with new material for a thousand years, so can it be still considered the same armor?
