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“The world is empty without community”

Lust embodies the desire to be with others, fostering a future forged together in a love that binds everyone together. She emphasizes the idea that desires are what drives humanity forward to progress. Everyone must be left wanting in order to have a goal for their life, to have purpose and a fuel that drives them ever forward. From her perspective, humanity is simple, following baser desires lead to a more fulfilling life.


Lust rewards those who act with grace and tact, who recognize the worth of human life. The ones who take care of themselves, and subsequently the people around them, creating bonds of community and family that unite people together. Her followers tend to form brothels, inns or other types of lodging establishment that serve as gathering spots for the local populace. They also tend to be artists of all kinds, enriching the world through beauty and meaning via their works, for she believes that a beautiful community is a happy one.

Lust blesses her champion with the ability to teleport, believing it the best way to pursue desires, by having the potential to move towards their whims in an instant. One could theoretically teleport anywhere, but only if they feel a strong desire towards what they want. Another of her blessings is the creation of pheromones which alter the thoughts and desires of those it affects.

Cleric's Of Lust

Clerics and Cleric Orders who devote themselves to The Lady Of Desires tend to be more passive then others. Usually manifesting as healers, explorers or even things as simple as songwriters. One will usually find a Lust Cleric at the heart of a thriving community, or traveling across the world, looking for new and exciting things to discover. It all depends on the desires of that said cleric. Because of that, they can be some of the most varied clerics one will come across, no one will be like the other. No order dedicated in exactly the same manor. Some could be staunch defenders of their community, protecting them from all who would threaten out of a love for the people under their care, while others simply tend to those they love in healing or ensuring they and those around them exemplify beauty befitting of their Goddess.

Clerics will often receive a blessing in the form of unnaturally high charisma. Usually able to Calm the greatest rancor in someone, or ease fears before battle. It is often debated if it is true magic when they perform these deeds, or simply just a manifestation of Lusts will through them. However it is well documented that in darkest hours of cities and towns, often what has kept them from total collapse, is a cleric of lust, soothing the worst in people.

Path of Lust

"You alone could not change the world, but you can cast a stone across the waters to create ripples that reverberate forever."

"To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves."

"Your body is the best work of art, take care of it."

"The world is a terrible place, but it doesn't mean it has to be an ugly one too."

"The best way to find yourself is through the service of others."

"Souls tend to go back to who feels like home. Be that home, build it with sincerity."

Opinions on other Fundamentals

From an anonymous source who claims to have asked the Fundamentals about each other

"The Bossman himself! Well what can I say? He keeps me on a leash and I... quite enjoy it really~" a chuckle could be heard before she returns to a wistful expression "I understand why he does what he does, but it doesn't mean I have to enjoy his rule. I want to be free, do my own thing, and fool around! But he has to stop me here and there! I'll tell you this though, he's not all as perfect as he always present himself. There are cracks that really show that beneath all that gold, beneath all that light and splendor beats the heart of man, with all of man's flaws."
"Listen, I enjoy a bit of bondage play here and there, but there's a point where it's too much! He keeps preaching; progression this and progression that! But really I think he just doesn't like fun! I think puppet boy just needs to lighten up from time to time and stop working... What was that human saying again? All work and no play makes Diligence a dull boy!"
"Hmph, if Diligence is no fun, Temperance definitely isn't... but I kinda respect the boy. He has excellent taste for his Chosen, he keeps picking winners after winners! The thing with Temperance is he hates freedom, whilst I am -all- about it! I like to travel to places unknown while he urges restraint. That's incredibly dull and boring! How are the humans supposed to evolve and change if they are not allowed to experience new things?" 
"Sir Patience is the nicest of all the Fundamentals really. He always listens to me... walks with me... Even when I mess up from time to time, he's always around to help me feel better, petting my head. I have nothing but good things to say about him... but if I have to nitpick anything, I wish he would -do- more. Right now he doesn't seem like he's doing much... Maybe he's playing the long game?" 
"There's this idea where I hate Senora Kindness for a variety of reasons... Thing is... I don't particularly like her nor do I hate her. She's inevitable. Everyone dies eventually, and there will be a time where everyone's fun will be over, either they are getting too old, or the candle is just SNUFFED right before them... She smells really nice though." 
"Ah sweetiepie. He doesn't want to admit it, but Chastity doesn't want to be with me because he's afraid of commitment. There was a time when we were very close, we cherished each other's company, I was the flower to his vase, the light at the end of the tunnel, as he was to me. Unfortunately, tragedies upon tragedies line up before us, and our union is no longer meant to be. He found himself comfort with a mortal woman of all the people he could be with... Ah sweetie... I wish you'd stop hurting yourself."
"Little Miss Perfect. She thinks just because Mr. Authority likes her, she can do whatever she wants! Sure she's scary and strong and all that... But she has this strange pull to her. She knows her worth, she knows her beauty, she knows of her presence enough to place her on top of the food chain, it's hard to put a finger on her and that's what frustrates me the most! We still hang out though, she's fun." 
"If I can describe Mr. Wrath I'd say that he is... Broken. He fought for oh so long, and reached oh so high, but he never was really satisfied with what he got. I listened to him, and stuck with him for quite a long time, breaking down his walls and trying to heal his heart the best I could... he's not a true god like I am, he is an ascended, he comes with all the flaws of humanity, but I cherish all those flaws the same."
"I enjoy people with confidence, Pride has plenty in spades! I wish he payed more attention to me than whatever he's working on though..." 
"Little Miss Sloth is an adorable one~ and sometimes she lets me plays with dreams. I call those dreams -wetdreams- because [ REDACTED ]! I absolutely adore her, she's like a little sister. Though traveling and experiencing things within dreams isn't the same as the real thing you know?"
"Me and Envy, we get along quite well. She occasionally can be found copying my little quirks and personality, but then mixes it up with other things she picked up. She keeps me on my toes. I don't like friends if they do not excite me in someway but Envy... She delivers, she delivers alright." 
"Me and Greed are -totally- sisters. She has the same interests like I do, we like the same accessories and mortals, and she knows a lot of things I don't!" 
"I always want to be like her, she's a beautiful soul with a certain grace and finesse that I could never reach. We both have similar goals, though I suppose she's more... freaky about it, but it's part of her charm! I swear, she wouldn't be as interesting if she was just a motherly figure.


  • Lust often takes the form of a butterfly-like creature, though she always cover her eyes, for she reserves the right to look upon her full visage to those she finds truly worthy. However rare eyewitness accounts confirm that her eyes are the most beautiful thing in the world. Her divine form could only be described as a blooming flower, her figure both horrifying and beautiful at the same time, in a strange and primal fashion. A flower meant to be protected but at the same time, one that envelops someone with tender embrace befitting a mother.
  • Lust finds it fun to mess with mortals and generally being mischievous. She often has her humanoid form partake in all sorts of shenanigans and trickery. This is not particularly out of maliciousness, often just simple thrill seeking desires. This may have led to the creation of some demigods.