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"Curiosity is gluttony, to see is to devour"

Gluttony embodies excess and satiation, or perhaps the lack thereof. She gifted mortals with a piece of her, the ability to consume blood and abilities that would help them survive, thinking that by just consuming each other's blood, one can sustain themselves without the need to murder, or kill, however such notions are unfounded, for humanity is flawed and always crave more.

She shares the idea that humanity need each other to survive, and to gain more and more as a collective, though throughout history very few embodies the ideals Gluttony wishes to spread, and as such she is often seen as a cruel mistress. Gluttony values blood ties immensely, family and connections means humans have something to live for and to strive for. Despite this however, she considers the vampires her children, and take great pride in having them grow in numbers, though at each new generation, the blessing becomes more diluted.

Gluttony appears to be a very tall woman with mosquito-like features, extremely serious and quite menacing, often cold to the average person. However to her worshipers and her favored people, she would be kind and in fact become playful. Her true form is that of a giant mosquito like figure, belly bloated with blood, if one dare to look closer into her belly, they would find eggs of an unknown species.


Gluttony favors Vampires above all, for she considers them her children, they share the same blood as her, even as that blood grows thinner every time a new generation is sired. her followers tend to be cooks, apothecaries, winemakers and partygoers, while her cults tend to be cannibals, sinister vampire groups, and hedonists. Gluttony is the root of all Sins and as such is believed to be the mother of all the current Sins as well, thus she holds some reverence to most worshippers to the point that some would tolerate vampires to some extent despite their current negative perception.

Gluttony's blessing is vampirism, one that has been spread among her children. However, she has reserved a unique strain of vampirism to her Chosen, so that he could absorb other vampires and increase his power. A secondary blessing is the ability to read memories through blood consumption.

Path of Gluttony

"Starvation is not having enough food to eat, it is not having enough food in the first place to eat, help your fellow man."

"Loneliness is like starvation, you do not realize how hungry you are until you start eating. Alone you will not survive, together you will thrive."

"We are linked by blood, and blood is memory without language."

"Take from others for as much as you're willing to give them."

"The strength of a family, like the strength of an army, lies in its loyalty to each other."


  • Mosquito-like wings are the signs of vampiric royalty, it shows a strong bloodline and advanced age.
  • She had been known to cook for her Chosen and some of her candidates, though mysteriously all she cooks is just haggis. Her worshipers never deny the gift of haggis however, but always question why she always cook this one dish, so much so that they would designate a national holiday, even in nations where haggis is not usually found.