Vlad Athanasia

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Before you stands an amalgamation of life's mistakes. A horrible reflection of life itself, an amalgamation of those he has consumed. There was a time in his life, where his form was that of an ordinary man, though that time has since long gone, and what is left is but a scarred memory, and a creature befitting of the title of boogeyman.


Vlad is a count before he became a Chosen Knight and remained a count despite his now morphed physical appearance. While his kin normally looks mosquitoish, Vlad consumed so many vampires that he just became an abomination. He has remarkable administrative skills and excellent delegation abilities. Under his rule, his people flourishes and never starve, his main produce is livestock like pigs and cows. He is an amalgamation of flesh that barely knows it's own identity but also a very competent administrator. Responsibility is superior to identity to him, thus he clings onto the things he considers most important. He lost his voice when he lost his identity, and because he doesn’t remember how he sounds like so he ended up imitating people unconsciously, sometimes his voice is like a choir speaking at the same time.


Vlad's true form is a shapeless blob of coagulated blood and meat. He has since lost his humanoid shape after consuming in excess. If he takes too much damage during a battle, he will slowly morph back into this form, and would need to retreat. Vlad is a First Generation Vampire with the gluttonous appetite strain which grants him the ability to absorb memories and abilities to a certain extent, however, the more he consumes the more he loses his own identity. By absorbing knights, he gains a fraction of their powers. Out of all the other Chosen Knights he has the highest potential to be the strongest however, it's going to take awhile. And he doesn't really murder random knights either, he's kept in check by temperance and he does absorb only those that threaten the realm or himself, however sometimes these Knights can go rogue themselves. Vlad has a full set of armor, though he only uses it for times of war.


  • Gluttony knows that the count's favorite food is Haggis and therefore constantly try to perfect the recipe, he has written down each one. Lets say Gluttony has tried a lot of things… That he end up being some sort of Connoisseur for weird meats and organs.
  • He taste like raspberry jelly when in his "true form", with a hint of dragonfruit.
  • Pascal Karrotte has seen Vlad in a blob state a fair few times, as it was part of his old job to keep him in check.
  • Some of his people make toys of him, so he’s no longer seen as a boogeyman. He’d pretend like he hates this, but secretly collects each toy as he can no longer be a proper father in this form, but he secretly yearn for family.
