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"Stoke the flames of Ambition"

Envy embodies the pursuit of self-improvement. Envy is recognizing one's own shortcomings and attempting to do something about it. She wishes to become everyone and everything at the same time, never satisfied on who she is now, but what she could become. Envy is the essence of competition, she believes in the path to perfection, paved by measuring one's skills against others constantly, to keep rising higher. Envy is a mix of many things after all, admiration, love and hatred goes hand in hand to create something strange but powerful.

Envy's form switches constantly depending on her current infatuation at the moment. Presently, she appears to be a mythical Garudafolk, a race that is believed to be long extinct. Envy appears to be a floating eyeball initially, but upon closer inspection, the body is made of multiple humanoid figures, those that they wish to become. Every single one of those bodies, connected by blood vessels that all converge into an eyeball that holds a fetus. They never could truly decide what they wanted to be, even as a divine being. Envy is uncertain of who they are, like a fetus they don’t really know themselves nor have the chance to be born into something they truly want to be. Naturally envious, she wishes to be as amazing as Pride, but always finds herself lacking. Thus her constant pursuit for greatness.


Envy favors people who are driven, meticulous, and have a clear vision for the future. She is usually admired by athletes, entrepreneurs, nobility, and inventors. Envy cults can manifest in a variety of ways, ranging from groups who wish to change the world through destructive methods to organizations that work to make it a better place through philanthropic acts. She is the patron to those who are unsure with themselves. Whether it be gender, occupation, purpose in life, her path leads to one finding meaning in their existence, and burn away any doubts.

Envy's blessing is the ability to perform true polymorphing. One could change into anything they desire, down to the very molecule. In order to do so, they must possess admiration, understanding and of course no small amount of envy to turn into the being they so wish to be. This isn't tied to only living being though, as if its emotional connection is strong enough, someone can even change into an inanimate object for example.

Path of Envy

"Never be satisfied with yourself, to do so is to stagnate, one must keep seeking greater heights."

"Keep your rivals as close as your friends, together you will push yourselves to your full potential."

"We love in others what we lack ourselves, and would be everything but what we are."

"Equality is a lie, to be equal is to drag everyone to your level. Be better."


  • Envy is the most human out of all the virtues and sins, they have a short temper and acts more impulsively than the rest of her pantheon.
  • It is said in ancient prophecies that once Envy finally decided on their form and undergo actual divine birth process, their powers would be immense, likely overpowering the other fundamentals.