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Gleeb is a slime. Slimes are usually ordinary monsters without much in terms of intelligence or sentience; however, it has recently been discovered that they are capable of learning and imitating others, and eventually form personalities of their own. She was the familiar of a powerful witch, and has kept the witch's hat as both a memento and her portable home.

She can be found traveling around the Familiar Lands, assuming different identities and collecting as much information as she could about others. Despite her low memory capacity, she take it upon herself to write down stories, spells and anything else she believes worth envying, although her notes are barely readable to anyone but herself.


Gleeb is blessed by Envy with the ability of true polymorphing, allowing her to turn into anything or anyone and be virtually indistinguishable aside from their behavior and quirks. She can transform into objects, copy a creature to the minutest detail, and can even imitate their natural abilities to some extent, as long as she is envious of them. She has a small storage of powerful warriors she can imitate, that she can imitate and borrow the powers of just as much as she actually remembers. Receiving too much damage, however, would revert her back into her slime form.

Gleeb has the ability to use magics like her former master, though her spells are limited to just what she remembers at that time; her memory is quite limited due to her slime nature.


  • If she was to take the form of Gluttony, she would win against Vlad Athanasia as he wouldn't be able to hurt her because of his sense of loyalty. The infamous Siege Knight could, with enough preparation time, probably hold his ground, but still wouldn't be able to know what kind of form Gleeb would take.
  • As a witch’s former familiar, she feels some kinship and envy for Unshakable Pest. However, he’s just too sauced up for her.
  • To Envy, Gleeb is pathetic enough that she won't be envious of her own Chosen Knight, thus why she was blessed.