Unshakable Pest

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Fungifolks are sentient mushrooms who tend to stay underground, they are a peaceful race that simply wishes to spread their roots and teachings far and wide. Despite Sloth's disposition, her Knight is a hard worker and ambitious, wanting to carve a large home of fungifolk in the surface and link everyone together like the roots of mushrooms

To them, home is wherever your friends are, and preferably in damp places. They create an invisible network of mycelium to connect with each other around a central mushroom server, thus the more people it spreads to, the larger their home will be expanded and allow them to learn new things. It also grants to ability of instant communications between all of the people linked.

His personal goal is to connect everyone through a mycelium of thoughts to eliminate discrimination and wars, but that’s a long road to go for the utopia he wish to usher


The knight of Sloth acquired the title simply of sheer persistence, he does not have any special talents whatsoever. They are just learning magic because they’re not very strong like the other Chosen Knights.

Using Sloth's blessing to slow down time itself (It also slows down time for him, but he is aware of everything) he has spent years studying spells where it took about a few hours in reality. He also annoys her enough so that she'd teach him a few spells, he knows how to push her buttons. Higher level spells ordinarily takes a long time to cast, as the caster must remember magical formulae and recites incantation whether inside the mind or verbally. But with Sloth's blessings her knight could cast seemingly instantaneously.


  • He is the most huggable of all the Chosen Knights.
  • He has a real name, but nobody can’t really speak fungi aside from the fungifolk, so people just call him Moshi.
