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"You have to dream before your dreams can come true"

Sloth rules over the realm of slumber and dreams, a realm only accessible through dreaming, a realm in which the past, present and possible futures meld together in an uncertain state. Sloth wishes to create a world free of strife and suffering through understanding and communication under a shared dream, believing that, once mortals reach a certain state of enlightenment, they will no longer need to seek conflict with one another and simply exist in harmony.

Sloth appears to be a short snailfolk of sorts with droopy hair. She seems not to try to appear presentable or awe inspiring, seemingly picking a form that is the easiest to form and with the least amount of effort put in her appearance. There is a tome she always carries with her, a dream journal she keeps at all times that carries forbidden knowledge that will drive an ordinary man mad with information that no mortal should know. She records her visions within this diary, for even a Fundamental can dream. In her divine state, she takes the form of a great humanoid slug, which size towers over most other Fundamentals, but with a certain gentle demeanor. She resembles Dreamslugs which roam around Familiar Lands. These creatures are harvested by Sloth worshipers in order to dream properly.


Sloth rewards people who think outside the box, doing tasks more efficiently with less effort, she also adores daydreamers rich with imagination and creativity, believing they are the future of any nation. Her followers tend to be prophets, Dreamers and Archivists, for her dreams bestow information that mortals shouldn't ordinarily know.Writers and artists are also people she values, as writing can heavily influence dreams. Her cults wish to lucidly dream in reality, finding ways to harness the power of the realm of dreams and bring it forth unto the Familiar Lands proper so they never have to wake up and face the harsh reality. These cults might end up tapping into the other realms by mistake, and cause undue chaos by meddling with the rules of reality.

Sloth's blessings to her clerics takes shape of prophetic dreams of possible futures or unknown pasts. Also known as Dreamers, they offer their services to others to ease their worries or help guide them into a better path. Sloth's blessing to Unshakable Pest, her Chosen Knight, is however the ability to perceive time in a different manner. By tapping into her realm while remaining anchored to reality, one is enlightened enough to process thoughts far faster.

Path of Sloth

"We are dreamers, we are not the only one, one day the world will live as one."

"Do not be pushed by the nightmares in your mind, be led by the dreams in your heart. They cannot betray you."

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

"Dreams are true while they last, and do we not live in dreams ? Shape the world as you have shaped it in your slumber."

"Ideologies separate us, Dreams and anguish bring us together. Suffer together, learn together so that one day we won't."


  • She can be found wandering around the Familiar Lands as a projection of herself or could be encountered within her realm if one mastered the art of lucid dreaming.
