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"Humanity is measured by self-control"

Temperance is the concept of self-restraint or moderation. Bringing upon the idea that everyone would be equal in chains, Temperance lends himself to ushering an age of equality to all of mortal kind, trying to maintain a grip on the use of magic and technologies, so that one does not stray too far from the fundamentals expectations. Should one delve too deep within the sciences or sorceries, their presence is to be expected.

Despite Temperance's seemingly backwards views on progress, it contains more nuances. He wishes to bring a more ordered and certain future, he fears those lingering in the unfamiliar lands, and deep beyond. He supports the development of the right technologies and magics that would help mankind, not the ones that would potentially destroy all sentient life.


Temperance favors the downtrodden, and people with a strong sense of self-righteousness as well as status quo. His followers tend to create cults of witch hunters, they would seek out dangerous quarry and mages that have lost themselves into the greater powers that shouldn't be.

Temperance's blessing is the ability to seal away someone's potential. Simply looking at a mage would deny them of their magics and temper them once more into a mere mortal. This works against magical beasts or ordinary folk as well, by sapping half of their strength.

Path of Temperance

"Everything within moderation"

"Some fruits are not meant to be tasted."

"Temperance is what sets humanity apart from beasts, know yourself and set your limits."

"A strong mind comes from conquering your own vices, master yourself, master the world."

"Don't fly too close to the sun, lest your wings shall burn."


  • Temperance can be considered the most merciful out of the fundamentals, believing that chains are better than death. He believes in second chances, and expect his followers to believe the same.
  • Followers of Temperance have established a variety of groups that maintain the world's knowledge on certain matters. Anything relating to the Unfamiliar Lands are subject to elimination with the highest prejudice
  • To mortals, Temperance takes the form of an androgynous male dressed in rags and chains. Sickly pallid cold skin, dried up inky tears, he almost appears as some sort of banshee, an eternal prisoner of his own make. In his divine form, Temperance appears to be a broken being tied to a breaking wheel. His body mangled and broken, restrained to the wheel that keeps spinning ever so slowly.