Benedita Dos Santos

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Benedita is a goatfolk raised from infancy to become the next chosen within a Temperance cult's candidacy program. She was subjected to countless experiments and trainings in order for her to become the candidate of Temperance's will. Out of a group of 50 children that underwent this candidacy program, only 7 survived, and only Benedita achieved candidacy, later receiving the status of Chosen Knight.

Hailing from the nation of Portukall from Great Europa, she has been raised in isolation within her cult, and raised as the perfect weapon for Temperance. She felt the salty ocean air, but she never saw the ocean itself until she was Chosen. Everything was withheld to her, as she was trained and tortured until she became what the cult believes to be pure.

Being deprived of anything that would offer her joy, her emotional condition is continually being overhwhelmed by stimulation that is not pain and starvation. She finds it incredibly difficult to communicate with people, yet she tries nonetheless, undoubtedly terrifying everyone in the process. She is frequently seen sobbing with uncontrollable excitement and emotions. Benedita wishes to experience everything she has been deprived of while she remained imprisoned in the cult, but at the same time she finds only comforts within cages and shackles, she frequently travels with the Chosen Knight of Gluttony, Vlad Athanasia, who she begins to see as a twisted, strange father figure. It is likely that Vlad felt great pity for her.


Being the Chosen of Temperance, she is able to negate magic, and limit people's physical powers, as long as she maintains eyesight. That said, she herself is artificially enhanced by the cult to be their mightiest anti-magus, being able to consume magics and empower herself physically with it. She is known to be able to run and jump with such speeds, that even the most seasoned of knights would struggle to keep up with her, not to mention her devastating kicks. They are told to sound like gunshots, and to hit with the same power, as her hooves can break iron and bend steel. Anyone on the receiving end of her devastating blows would find themselves losing limbs and bones.

She has several shackles that limit her strength and speed, without them she could run almost as fast as the speed of sound. The bindings provide her with a sense of control, as she has been conditioned to feel as if she needs the bindings to be herself. Underneath her sleeves, she adorns the relic created by her cult, The Grasping Hand. It's uses are unknown as she always keeps it hidden, only using it when absolutely necessary. Being the subject of countless experiments, She no longer feels pain, but her other senses are elevated as a result.


  • Benedita never had celebrated her birthday, thus she doesn't even know how old she is.
  • Benedita becomes an extremely clingy person to anyone that shows her kindness or feeds her, perhaps to a point that it becomes overwhelming.
