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"A great man is always willing to be little"

Humility embodies an equilibrium between knowing one's own self-worth with humble assertiveness, and having an understanding of one's own station and rank within the world. Humility is the god of darkness and the night, the shadow under everyone with some modicum of power. Humility serves as a judge to those with too much hubris, ones that would dare to go against the Fundamentals or the ruling powers of the world. She also punishes those who abuse their own power, humbling them before her overwhelming strength. She is known as the god of fear in some circles, and the god of the thankless in others.

One of Humility's duties is to ensures none of the fundamentals trespass beyond their boundaries. Respected by her peers, she holds the most influence within the court of the 14.


Humility favors the unseen faces of civilization, the thankless folks that keep society's heart beating, people like street cleaners, sewage workers, farmers and caregivers. However, Humility also favors assassins, thieves and spies, having great interest in nurturing their talents for her own needs. Those working within the shadows receive their contracts from listeners, then execute them without any judgement or questions, ready to humble someone should they overstep their rank.

Humility blesses her Chosen Knight with the power to bring forth someone's deepest fear, an illusion of the highest caliber that would trap even the most intelligent of foes. She also blesses them with the ability to blend into shadows, to varying degrees. She has the fewest followers out of all the fundamentals, and therefore her blessings are more concentrated and thus more powerful.

Path of Humility

"Ego kills knowledge. Knowledge requires learning, and learning requires humility."

"Humility is not denying your strength, it is being honest with your own weaknesses."

"It is never about who is right, but what is right."

"Never look down on anybody, unless you're helping them rise."

"Have no fear of imperfection, you'll never reach it."

Opinions on other Fundamentals

From an anonymous source who claims to have asked the Fundamentals about each other

"He is a powerful man who cast a shadow so wide that it could cover the world in eternal darkness... but he doesn't. He tries his very best to maintain order and safety in this world and I am honored to serve underneath him. I am not so proud as to say that I could ever compare with his radiance, I only wish... he could see me beyond my veils."
"There is a darkness lingering within his heart, if one could call it that. He is cold and cruel, but I know deep down his heart is in the right place, he is one of the ascended though he will not admit it himself... he tries so very hard to justify his existence that I only feel pity for him." 
"Everything in moderation, I agree with Temperance's path, I agree with his words, though he can be extreme at times in trying to reach a temperate society. I notice that his words and his actions are often conflicting, as he tries his very best to be keep getting stronger and stronger to weaken others before him. I know he was not born a strong god... no he climbed this far through sheer determination, sheer desire to see the world in his image. There is a great drive that I cannot help but admire, misguided as it is."  
"I envy him, truly. I am not Envy herself, but to coexist with the rest of our peers in such a fashion... They call me the prefect, the leader of the Fundamentals aside from Authority... but I do not have his wisdom, I do not have his presence. If he is gone, everything will crumble into dust, people will begin consuming each other, fighting to the death... When I am gone? They will likely celebrate, and life moves on for everyone else... I am truly envious." 
"She casts a gentle presence upon me, nay upon everyone that would treat her gently. Her words, soft like music that I could never forget, a true friend, one who understands the darkness just as well as I, and presents upon it a beautiful flower. Many fear death, and it is perfectly understandable, but the fear of death stems from the fear of life... a mortal who truly lived will also be ready to die at anytime." 
"He cast a veil of suspicion upon me, but I do not blame him... He spend his existence trying to protect everyone, so surely the lady of Fear is something that even he must fear. I wish he would give me a chance, but I am ready to defend myself at any point... Though I admit, it is necessary to have a critic, lest I lose my namesake." 
"He does not understand me, he does not understand my path. He does not try to be humble, nor does he fear the darkness... He keeps fighting, he keeps disobeying, he is a dangerous rebel without a proper cause other than his misguided creeds. I fear, if he is left unchecked he will be a catalyst to our downfall, the hateful little human who would see the world burn in order to quench his needless thirst for revenge."
"A beautiful soul, who creates beautiful things to bring even more beauty to this waking world. There is that confidence which I cannot be help to be drawn towards... What is it with me and men who cast large shadows?" 
"My precious little gem. She creates anticipation and dread necessary for mortals to function. Dreams are beautiful tools to help these mortals glimpse into a small part of the divine, it keeps them grounded in reality by showing a small glimpse of an alternate reality that they could never comprehend properly. She often seeks out my help, and she has relied upon me. The rest of my peers may not see the potential of this slumbering god, but I do... I am very aware of what she can bring unto the world should she find the need to. 
"I know how she looks at me. She looks at me like she wants to kill me, become me and love me at the same time. I can tell that she is always conflicted in her mind... Though I disagree with her path and methods, I believe she also has quite the potential. I wish I could be a proper friend to her, but it is becoming less likely the more time passes. 
"What is power? Power attracts the worse and corrupts the best. I can see glimpses of brilliance underneath all of her glitters, I can see the eyes of a broken girl whose greatest fear was that she once was weak, she once was frail... Never again, o' never again. I find myself drawn to her, and I want to aid her to see that she does not need all this power to be worthy of love and devotion."
"A role model, the oldest of us all, the blood that binds. The first thing mortals learn to do is breathe, the second is to eat. Her values and her experiences teach the rest of us. She perhaps, even more than the ascended in our ranks, understands humanity most of all." 
"An adorable soul who wishes to spread joy and community to all. Though she can be a bit too much, I have learned to handle her as time goes on. She does not care much about carnal pleasures, but rather the feeling of connection and love formed with it, and I think that it is... Adorable if nothing else."


  • Humility almost never shows herself, instead she uses proxies or speakers for her behalf. She also does not usually communicate to her followers directly, leading many to doubt even her existence.
  • Humility takes the form of a phantom jellyfolk, the rarest and most elusive of all known seafolks, enhancing her mythical figure. She represents both the night itself, and a gentle humility, completely contrasting Pride. Her divine form also resembles that of a jellyfish, a humble creature who floats by, beautiful from afar and deadly once approached, respectfully asserting their presence. Upon closer inspection, within the jellyfish lies a frightening visage, true to her role as god of darkness and fear.
  • Though her path seems the most righteous of the Fundamentals, it is important to note that a god's vision of what is right may not always coincide with the moral compass of the mortal world. The main goal of the fourteen is to keep the world safe and functioning by maintaining a status quo. That is the rightness pursued by Humility.
