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"Rage, rage against the dying of the light"

Wrath is mankind's first legendary hero, though his identity and accomplishments have been lost through the passage of time. He stands for righteous justice, and would help those downtrodden to achieve their goals.


Wrath support people who are oppressed in achieving their objectives and is an advocate for moral justice. He favors those who challenge established norms and power structures in an effort to bring about change. Because he was once a mortal, Wrath adopted a more direct path to godhood, interfering in human affairs and even exacting his own punishment onto the wicked, although he has since taken a backseat, as his interference causes chaos within the Familiar Lands.

Wrath does not answer prayers in a traditional sens, he does not help others unless he considers the idea to be worthy of his time, in fact he's known to punish those who pray to him in excess, even now he doesn't really consider himself to be a god, and would rather be treated like another human instead. Wrath followers tend to be independent souls, rebels, revolutionaries and warriors. His cults tend to be berserkers and anarchists, trying to topple the system.

His blessing is the ability to use one's rage to elevate their strength and speed, the more wounded and angrier one gets, the stronger they become, and are able to push past their limits. The secondary blessing Wrath bestow upon his Chosen Knight is the ability get stronger upon near death experiences, the more for what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Path of Wrath

"Meet out justice yourself, do not count upon others to do your work, rage against the world that broke you."

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life. Be sure if you would want to live a life with only a fraction of yourself if you wish to gorge yourself in wrath."

"Do not let others dictate your fate, rage against those who would seek to put you down, rise to the occasion."

"Do not go gentle into that good night."


  • Unlike the other Fundamentals, Wrath was a human, and thus he does not possess a Divine form, as he prefers to appear how he was.
  • Wrath is the only Fundamental that is able to tear down the veil between the realm of divinity and the realm of mortals. When someone angers him enough, or if there is such great injustice, he is able to shatter through reality. However, these leave spatial scars in the world, which allows otherworldly beings to enter easily.
  • Wrath carries with him the horns of the Bull of Heaven. Some say that slaying this mighty beast elevated him to divinity, but information on this Bull has been lost to time.