Matko Stanković

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Matko grew up a hellspawn, that means demonic blood runs through his veins and for that he was immediately ostracized by his community and even his human mother. Even now he still has great shame of his heritage and as such, he is almost never seen without a mask or helmet covering his face. Matko is a man of few words, many do not understand his actions or intentions, for Wrath never answer any prayers, nor bestow gifts. He thinks that masks speak of his achievements louder than words.

It is believed however, that Matko will show in places where anger is concentrated, drawn by righteous fury. He fights for those who cannot, he fights for those who are silenced. Like his patron, he is not fond of the other Fundamentals and their chosen, he would actively meddle with them and foil their plans if he deems it necessary. He's a man of few words.


The gift bestowed upon unto him by Wrath allows him to be a force of destruction. His strength and durability scales with his wrath, the more scorned he is the more he will gain in power. Witnesses claim that he is able to punch through an Elven Knight's Mythril Armor after finding out the Elf in question has been kidnapping children.


  • Matko is one of the most active Knights sitting in the Roundtable. He has amassed a collection of masks from monsters he has slain and display them proudly by wearing it. They are an excellent conversation starter
