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"Death is a kindness"

Kindness embodies an act of generosity and consideration, without expecting praise nor reward in return. Kindness believes that death is the greatest act of kindness one could give, for it is her realm and she would care for those who have since departed away. Kindness is ensuring that life is as pleasant as it could be before the inevitable end, easing people's suffering and providing comfort inn the darkest time. Life is worth a few laughs after all, for this the greatest comedy.

Kindness takes many forms, for different cultures have different depictions of death and the afterlife. However, she prefers a more optimistic and playful look of death instead of the one that is tragic and mournful.


Kindness favors self-aware undead, those who never outright refused her ultimate gift of kindness, death, but find themselves lost in between the realm of the living and death. However, she absolutely detest those who refuse death and find ways to prolong their lives in unnatural ways, therefore she finds herself detesting Liches and selfish necromancers but not immortals. Her followers tend to be gravekeepers, alchemists, mages, undead, taxidermists, doctors and plenty others.

Kindness blesses her Chosen Knight with the key to the realm of the dead, granting them with the assistance of the departed in a multitude of ways. One could potentially phase through matter or request assistance from the dearly deceased. Her idea of true necromancy is asking the dead for assistance, and beseech their aid, hoping that they would be kind enough to do one last service.

Path of Kindness

"Life is for the living, Death is for the dead, Sing for life, and dance for the dead, it needn't be a sorry affair."

"The path to Immortality is not harnessing sorcery, but in creating memories. For as long as you are remembered, you will never die."

"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."

"Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear, the blind can see, and the dead can feel."

"Life is fleeting, be kind to each other while you still can. Remember that he who plants kindness, lingers in memories."

"Remember that the life of the dead is placed in the memories of the living."


  • Despite her teachings, many worshipers believes that she wants to spread death to all, and as such partake in ritualistic murder and slaughter. She admires and loves their devotion, but does not look kindly to the results it causes.
  • To those who have suffered a great deal in their lives, Kindness herself will show in their final moments, ready to hold them tenderly as she carries their soul to her realm, where their suffering can finally end.
  • Being the patron of death, Kindness takes the form of a skeleton in which Manabloom bloom from. Undeads that worship Kindness are aware that they are an existence that , usually involuntarily, deny her kindness, and as such take it upon themselves to hunt unthinking, cursed undeads to give them mercy, and bring them towards the kind lady.
  • Those deceased may cross to other realms if they so wish, but because she's the one left in charge for death, everyone that died has to go through her realm first.