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Authority or more commonly known as the Golden Father, is an ascended human who has reached godhood through some means. He is the only 'Fundamental' present within the mortal realm of the Familiar Lands and as such he is the most influential. He currently rules over the Hand of Avalon as it's sole sovereign and his children manages the lands of Great Europa. Authority is a divisive figure with the rest of the world, though his might is supreme, he does not completely hold dominion of every country, others do not consider him a deity at all but rather as a powerful human instead.

Authority's domain is dominance and fundamental law, he maintains the rules that keep reality intact like life and death as a concept, as well as with space and time. He keeps balance between the Fundamentals, making sure none of them act too far out of line. He leads the Golden Inquisition and for all his power and influence, he is not truly omniscient, and thus relies on others to enforce his will to safeguard the Familiar Lands from Unfamiliar influences.


  • Thou shalt do thine duty to protect this world from Unfamiliars

  • Thou shalt have no other gods before The Fundamentals, to do so is to insult us

  • Thou shalt respect thine betters, trust in nobility. Pay thine tithes

  • Thou shalt respect the laws of thine land, for thou art subject to its rule

  • Thou shalt not meddle with the unknown, do not harm others with forbidden knowledge

  • Treat thine neighbors the way thou wish to be treated, war begets more war


Authority came into godhood during the end of the fabled age of myth, a period of time now long lost to passage of history it's existence now a carefully kept secret that few knows. His rule has solidified the Familiar Lands into what it is right now, the Familiar Lands commonly know this era as the Golden Age. Naturally throughout time he has sired plenty of heirs, one of which are the high royal family of Great Europa that rule over the nations residing within.

Possessing Authority's blood immediately elevates one into noble status, such is his influence within Avalon and Great Europa, but that also means that his bloodline is often targeted by non-believers, or slavers who demand high ransom or high price for one of his kin. One could also consume his diluted blood in order to become 'Exalted' which put simply elevates an ordinary human into a better version of themselves in nearly every way (provided they survive the exaltation process).

Authority's blessings include the ability to alter a certain aspect of reality to a limited extent, one could manipulate a facet such as gravity, or space (though one must specialize, they could not possible control all fabrics of reality) in a limited span of influence. More powerful clerics or candidates are able to access their subconscious and expand a domain of their own where they hold full authority on it's laws and reality.

Opinions on other Fundamentals

From an anonymous source who claims to have asked the Fundamentals about each other

"Much more intelligent than she lets on, this woman is shrewd and dangerous but also difficult to command. She has hidden potential in that she holds sway with the other fundamentals but no matter, she will obey all the same to my rule. Her followers are quite useful as they keep morale and overall joy of any community, this world would not function properly without her." 
"The lord of progress have much to do before he can catch up to me, though his pace is consistent I will remain ahead of him. His contributions towards the Familiar Lands cannot be understated, my kingdom flourishes with his assistance, and humanity has kept forward at a manageable pace towards a better future. Hopefully this will last, and hopefully he does not get any ideas on trying to usurp my throne, there has been enough of that." 
"Temperance is a strict one but also tend to be the most hypocritical. Power unchecked is dangerous and therefore the world must be maintained, something I cannot do myself. But he tend to push the boundaries of godly interventions, something I cannot abide by." 
"I know this type, he plays the long game. His gifts, his followers, even his Chosen is meant for something far further in the future, something that even I could not comprehend at the moment... His friendly demeanor is off putting, but I have to admit that he has a pull towards him, a dangerous individual, especially since I am not sure if he is an ascended one like me or a formed deity. I will need to continue keeping an eye on him and watch where he plants his roots."
"A beautiful woman, a kind one, though she should know that I am above death. Her company however is something I do cherish, a life cannot be well lived if there exist no death, it gives mortals a meaning." 
"My right hand man, Chastity is someone I find reliable, especially among the other fundamentals. He will do any task given to him with unshakable resolve. The wall has provided peerless protection against those that would seize our lands and ruin what we have. I have faith that he will continue to defend us, especially against -her-"
"The Lady of Fear is one to be respected, if I wasn't around then she would definitely take my place as the leader of the Fundamentals. Even though her influence is limited within the world, there is no doubt that she has quite the reach, nobody is safe from her ire if she so chooses. Though I know her secrets, I know who she was, who she is... That does not change who she is though, she remains as beautiful as she is frightening." 
"Once was a fellow human, he is older than even I but he could not reach the same caliber of power as I have, there is a difference between mindset between us despite both of us being kings at one point in our mortal lives. His sense of justice is archaic and barbaric, leading to revolts and anarchies... Despite that, he remains a useful fundamental to cause changes in management." 
"I consider Pride my rival, he keeps me from slacking off, I would consider him the closest thing to an equal, we share a great many similarities and interests, perhaps he is one I would consider a true friend in the end." 
"While I personally care not for dreams, I feel like humanity could stand to benefit from being nudged and pushed with cosmic interference here and there. History often starts with a simple dream, and ends with eternal sleep." 
"Her ambitions always lead her to contest her strength against me, I am aware of her sleeping potential, I've asked Sloth to keep her in check, if she realizes her own abilities, her own capabilities then it will be all over for the Familiar Lands. I will mold her into a proper deity, I will keep her in line long enough so that she will learn how to act her station."
"The Schemer, the mother of dragons have always been a schemer since the very start, though unlike Patience, she's much more forward and transparent about her goals and I am well aware that she is currently stocking up on artifacts and power to one day challenge me. Fortunately however, I will have Humility keep her in check, she needs to learn to obey my commands."
"The first of the Fundamentals and perhaps the wisest. Everyone seems to treat her with reverence and respect, although our views on how to govern the Familiar Lands occasionally clash, she remains a great advisor, and a mysterious but lovely companion." 
"She could be formidable, unlike envy her power lays in her influence and reach, mother nature is not to be trifled with, though she knows her place, she performs her tasks... But if she ever wants to, she could destroy the world with ease, her power is something that I must be wary of."