Alessio Casian

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Born without any limbs, his existence was destined to be a short and terrible one, however the young boy has been blessed with great intelligence and wit, and soon took to creating automatons and puppets to serve as his very own 'limbs'.

This garnered the attention of Diligence, who acknowledged the boy as a candidate to be his champion.


Born from a noble family of Wallachia, Alessio was born without limbs, thus being placed upon a wheelchair and under the care of his butler Sebastian. His childhood was monotonous, and he often dreamed of the wilds he could gaze from his chair, unable to explore them. Because of that, he would often imprison himself in thoughts, wallowing himself over the fact he was born this way.

This was before he met a young tomboyish girl around his age named Flayne la Karrotte, his family being near her father's domain for business. She showed him that no matter the condition, one with determination and a valiant heart could achieve whatever they wanted. This inspired him, and from this moment he started to open more. He started by being given crappy prosthetics, and at first it was very rudimentary, activating one thing to move his fingers, activating something else to move his arms, but he took it upon himself to upgrade them over and over in order to overcome his natural weaknesses.

It took a lot of time, trial and errors, but after constant slow upgrades, they became imbued with magic and started to function normally. This ticked the curiosity of the Fundamental of Diligence, who soon developed a liking in him as a potential candidate to be their Chosen Knight.


Alessio is not a direct combatant, for his body is frail and sickly, he lives vicariously through the use of his puppets, which have spread throughout the kingdoms. He is able to control them telepathically, though some he would use his strings for finer control. He can't control thousands at once unless for very simple movements, so more than often he only uses the right doll for the right job.

His horde of puppets of various size and shapes, makes him known to many as a one-man legion, or a one-man spy network, as the man is able to adapt to many situations by sheer numbers alone. Alessio's puppets range from giant armored knights to smaller, much more toylike puppets. Alessio is able to see through his puppets, though he’s keeping that secret to himself. As they are puppets, they don't grow over time, and keep their original size and shape.

Rumor says that his ace in the sleeve is a headless centaur puppet named Roscinante, that he needs all his hands to control properly.


  • As a Chosen Knight of Diligence, he's often found serving kings and queens to run their kingdom properly, and ensuring that people are doing their assigned duties.
  • He has a great fondness for toys in general, and usually creates more puppets in the shape of people he likes or wish to remember. One of which bears a striking resemblance to a chivalry starved Knight. He saw the fight between Flayne and the bandits, though he already thought Flayne to be something special.
  • The Siege Knight has a rivalry with him for the title of Chosen Knight of Diligence. But where the Siege Knight is a one-man siege, he can potentially be a one-man army, meaning Siege Knight would have to remove him to get the title.
  • As the type that plays with dolls and make custom clothes for them, Alessio designed his own outfit.
  • Even though they are childhood friends, Flayne is not yet aware that Casian is a Chosen Knight, only that he became a knight of his own make.
