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Puppets Title.png
Wooden labourer model Town Crier V3

Puppets are used as necessary workers and laborers who keep society functioning throughout the nations of Great Europa. A lot of criminals and runaways have their souls transferred into these puppet bodies to serve for years to come, some even say for an eternity, as a form of punishment. These puppets are manufactured to perform jobs that others do not want to undertake or as a status symbols for the wealthy. The patron of Puppets is Diligence

Not everyone would be able to make a proper puppet shell, and fewer still knows the magic needed to give life to them. Diligence cults are known to manufacture Puppets as well as selling them to interested parties. A puppet's intelligence comes from a former sentient soul, wiped clean of their memories and other emotions deemed unnecessary, then placed into a hollow shell. The gender of the ego or soul does not matter in the placement of the shell, as most of their memories and experiences will be scrubbed anyways in order to fit the hollow puppets.

A porcelain Phoebe model

However, there are occasions where the soul remembers their past life and create a dissonance between mind and body. These are called rogue puppets and they tend to quickly go mad. If you ever encounter a puppet screaming "Ⱳħⱥⱦ ħⱥꝑꝑēꞥēđ ⱦꝋ ᵯē ?", please report to your local guard as this is called soul resurfacing, and should be avoided as much as possible to ensure consistent productivity. Though there are groups that oppose the existence of these Puppets, citing them as far too cruel, they also realize that they are instrumental in maintaining society, by repurposing criminals and dark sealers into pillars of community.

Puppet shells are usually made of fragile or light material, and most of them are not able to do combat in order to stave off an uprising. Though combat models exist, they are reserved for the extremely wealthy and royalty. Specialized Puppets also exist, however, their souls and memories are handpicked to produce specialty puppets meant to perform specific tasks like assassination or even sorcery. For them to work properly, fuel is needed in the form of supplements provided by their respective puppetmakers. They are special food created for puppets that maintains their personality and provides them energy. They could be fed ordinary food, but this behavior makes them risk soul resurfacing from the disconnected realization because of the sense of taste they once had.

Phoebe, for example, is a luxury grade maid model made of porcelain and rare wood. Phoebe can clean, cook and take care of your children and pets. To avoid soul surfacing, you can provide Phoebe with a violin to play on her spare time.