John Freedom

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John Freedom never ran for office, he simply woke up one day and discovered that he is in fact elected as president. His friends and followers simply deem that the U.S.L would be much better under his leadership and campaigned in his stead. Before his position as President, John was a very skilled boxer, winning mostly by knockouts, he was the pride of Dwarven might. His fists are often described as cannonballs.


John Freedom invented the battlemech, and co-created roughly 36 of them, each are operated within a specific section of the U.S.L.. There is one mecha built for each state.

His mech, The Founding Father, is created solely so he could box dragons, he's the only person who can operate the mech in such a way that it is way more mobile than it should be. It is powered with magic diesel basically, that the president made himself using dwarven science.


  • The President has survived more than 35 assasination attempts
  • The Founding Father possesses a built-in panini press for making grilled cheese sandwiches at any moment.
  • Though 76 years old, to dwarven years it is the equivalent of mid to late 40's.


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