Sancha Gobzales

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Sancha is a goblina that comes from Pexikotl, from a nomadic tribe of Gentle Goblins, without what people could consider a conventional home. As her definition of home is where resides her familia, her current home at the moment lies with House Karrotte in Great Europa, but she does miss her previous homes dearly. Her goblin family is comprised of her mom, her now deceased dad, Chiquita who is the family's alpaca and her grandmother who she commonly refers to as her "abuela". Sancha's family is not particularly rich, as wealth is indicated by the amount of alpacas or livestock you possess, but they don't want or need to be because Chiquita is enough and the rest they can always get by themselves. Her people believes the more important and loved they are within their respective communities, the bigger the hat one should wear. For this reason she is often seen wearing one, and said that she feels naked without a hat. She had an uncertain past with the inquisition and Maria Iglesias before meeting Flayne, at some point even wearing red and gold, before escaping their grasp. From these she developed pyrophobia, the fear of fire. She often light a candle on top of her hat to challenge herself, and try to conquer her fear one small step at a time.

Sancha is a currently squired to Flayne la Karrotte, who she refers to as "Mi Dõna", being appointed by Pascal Karrotte after Flayne saved her life from thugs. She was personally trained by her and is fiercely loyal, to the point where she often ends up killing the men that Flayne leaves purposefully injured out of chivalry, because she is afraid that they would come back for revenge or tell about her powers. Sancha couldn't grasp the concept of honor and chivalry that other knights preach, as she holds the mindset that whatever works should be used, like attacking someone from behind or finishing off a wounded enemy. There are several goblin types, and some of them happen to be quite violent, so Sancha is often racially profiled. In spite of this, she avoids fighting back when bullied because she fears that it will cause House Karrotte problems.

Sancha is a devout follower of Patience and Kindness both. She prays to Patience during her most difficult time in her life, and hope to Kindness that her family is now in a better place. She also follows Humility's path as Flayne's squire, performing her thankless duty as her caretaker. On the other hand, Sancha is very business savvy when she actually have the time to negotiate and trade, thus she manages all of Flayne's finances, creating an affinity with Greed. She also believes that nobody deserves to starve, and absolutely adores cooking for people she cares about, creating a minor affinity towards Gluttony. She likes her tortillas nice and toasty, and prefers them from corn with a bit of char.


Growing up as an alpaca shepherd in her nomadic tribe, she used to sling rocks towards would be predators for her herd, like wolves or bandits, and became a skilled crackshot slinger. Being a Gentle Goblin, she also possess a grip strength of 120 kilograms, more than enough to crack a human spine.

Goblins are natural climbers, and she was already seen climbing straight brick wall with few hooks. She is also told to have a hat with a third eye, that allows her some form of true sight to perceive the things unseen by the average people.


  • She holds a rivalry with Temugen Bataar because of his position as Lucien Karrotte's caretaker, which basically mirrors her own to Flayne. To her eyes he’s serious competition, but not someone she completely hates.
  • Sancha absolutely adores cheese, she even knows how to make Alpaca cheese with a secret formula.
  • For unknown reasons, she seems to abhor Crabostabos.


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