Temugen Bataar

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Temugen is a proud orc from the great steppes of Mongori. He took it upon himself to travel away from the steppes, considering it too small for his liking and found himself within Great Europa where he became a mercenary for coin and glory. He lost his arm while confronting the fabled Carrot Knight after a lengthy and well-established career as a reliable and powerful hired muscle. Instead of being slain, he was inducted into House Karrotte as a guard and, more recently, as Lucien Karrotte's chaperone. He was given by Lucien a ribbon, which he cherish enough to keep with him at all times

Temugen doesn't say much since he feels that deeds communicate volumes more than words ever could. However, when he does talk, his words have immense significance. He is frequently seen giving young Lucien guidance and restraining him when he veers off course.


Temugen's weapon of choice is a massive Dao turned into some sort of cleaver after constant use. It is a trophy he had acquired during his many raids in the Jade Empire. He has a very broad build and stature, for a fat orc is a successful one in a society that values strength and capability so much. It is seen as a sign of excellence.


  • He is able to throat sing like many of his contemporaries, and he takes great delight in doing so anytime he is a little lonely or is left alone with his thoughts. He would frequently sing to Lucien as though to soothe and comfort him.
  • He's skilled in meat cooking and can make any meat edible somehow, one way or another.