Melvin Mosely

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Mosely comes from "Fantasy New York" like many of the mousefolk, where his family runs a deli. He did odd jobs here and there until he decided to become an Aphidfarmer, moving to the surface colony Dakota where he met Dakota Doss and befriended her. He took a liking into her, and tried multiple times to get closer to her, to small success because of his negative charisma. After Dakota got drafted, he decided to join the army as well to follow her.

During the events of The Kind Ant and the Humble Mouse, Mosely faced with Dakota a Collector and was gravely hurt in the process. At the edge of death, he was invoked by Pride, who offered him his blessings to raise himself back up and protect his loved one. Much to Pride's surprise, Mosely declined the offer, for he wanted to accomplish everything in life with his two own hands. This attracted the curiosity of Humility, which would later make him a prime candidate to become her chosen knight. In the end, Pride didn't bless Mosely directly, but blessed his flare gun for him to defeat his foe.

Mosely is a regular polytheistic worshiper of The 14 Fundamentals, fearing the might of the gods, but praying whenever the situation demands it. However, he values Humility most of all, as he does not like to be in the spotlight but will do whatever is necessary of him. He does not want for glory or fame, but he would fight tooth and nail for the simple life he always wanted. He also follows his president's belief, which is the unofficial religion of the U.S.L.. He takes pride in his people's development and struggles, respecting those that came before him.

Mosely has a tendency to give names to ants. He named Kansa and Mainey because they grew jealous of Dakota having a name, so he gave them a name too. But Mosely is not very creative at names, in fact he's terrible at it so he just lists off places. He also named the warrior ant 74 as Arizona, from the name of the USL state Aridzone. When he'll be out of states names, he'll have to resort to cities. The ants are very much functioning almost like a hive mind, a name gives them individuality when they are supposed to be cogs in a machine. Warrior ants despise or at least don’t worship Mosely like the workers because he gives names. They are much harder to impress and much more disciplined. The worker on the other hand, are slowly realizing the value of an identity, and they want a hero to give them that identity. The queen might be displeased.


Mosely was trained in the use of firearms and knifes while in the army. He also gained some of Humility's blessings when becoming a candidate, making him even stronger than a warrior ant. Humility wants to prove to Pride that even a lowly mouse like Mosely could shine just as much as his champion in his own little way. Would he ever get chosen, he would still stick with John Freedom because he’s loyal to him, and also because Chosen Knights tend to travel in pairs to mitigate each others.


  • Recently, he's been having nightmares about Dakota dying. But who knows, maybe they are not just dreams but a glimpse of a future to come.
  • He dreams to one day pilot a mech of his own, trying to emulate his hero the best he could, little did he know that his path would take him elsewhere.


Suggested reading order :