Dakota Doss

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Dakota is but one of many antfolk living in the great below. They are a part of the United States of Littlefolks (U.S.L). Ordinarily, worker ants are deemed insignificant enough that they aren't given names when they spawn, so she first went by the number 74, however Dakota received hers in the line of duty, based on a heroic medic that saved many lives in one battle. Worker Ants are not permitted to do combat, and as such they are relegated to constructing defenses, providing medical services and other duties. Dakota is a great cook, and her rations as well as her presence, are known to always boost the troop's morale.

When not in uniform, she is an aphid farmer, as aphid milk is one of the main diet for antfolk. She originates from the surface colony Dakota. There, she met with Melvin Mosely who was a farmer as well. After escaping both a fungal bombardment and a Collector during the events of The Kind Ant and the Humble Mouse, thanks to the heroic actions of Mosely, she formed with him a group named "Almost Heaven" and became head nurse some time after. Her actual condition is unknown, as she was recently infected with a fungal virus.


Dakota, like all worker ants, has her body covered in a semi-soft carapace to protect her. Worker ants can carry up to 15 times her own weight, and their legs allow them to walk on walls and ceilings. She's also a well trained nurse, and possess some field-medic capabilities. She's considered the heart of the squad, signified by the card on her helmet.


  • Dakota has been decorated many times by John Freedom, the president of the U.S.L, for her heroic actions and distinguished service. Her known prowess are saving 74 lives at the battle of Bovine creek, holding ground, raising morale and mending the entirety of the Dragoon Platoon, and last but not least, saving John himself in unknown circumstances.
  • Because she was an aphid farmer before being drafted, she developed a connection to Charity. Dakota also believes in hard work and development, thus often praying to Diligence to grant her strength to keep pushing forward. On the other hand, she doesn't hold much affinity with the Sins, apart from acknowledging the power of Pride after witnessing her president on the battlefield. She is against Sloth's teachings because she's the patron her her nation sworn enemy, the fungifolks.


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