Liis Kuldmuna

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Liis grew up an urchin after being abandoned by her pack for being too weak and small. Indeed, wulffolk tend to be pack creatures, and thus tend to be larger and more aggressive, making her an outcast and a runt. She survived out of the kindness of Gabriel Zima, who saved her from the Siege Knight during a lycanthropy infestation. Stopping him for killing his foe, she won a few affinity points with a Fundamental, though it is unknown which one. Since the day she was saved, she awaits at a certain gate for an hour every single day, as if waiting for someone to come back. She now returns the favor that was given to her long ago by feeding the poor with her ill gotten gains. She is considered a hero to urchins, spending most of her coin to feed them and clothe them, paying back what she was given long ago.

A terrible liar by all accounts, she expresses her emotions and thoughts throughout her body and especially her tail. This effectively makes her a terrible thief for whenever she is caught, she would immediately confess to her crimes. Her fluctuating moral compass, motivated by emotions and memories, make her often decide to do acts of crime, then soon after feel guilty and perform good deeds to balance it out. She develops pack bonds with the oddest of people and even objects, her instincts is also botched, and thus she is unable to detect danger properly. She has a 30% chance success rate in robbing people, because she absolutely has crappy instincts when it comes to judging strength. One time, she even tried to rob Vlad Athanasia, chosen knight of Gluttony.


Liis's gear is scavenged from fallen soldiers and mercenaries, she doesn't make for the best fighter but her tracking skills are second to none. She will use whatever weapons she can get her hands on. She’s not very picky, because she can’t afford to, but she likes the axe best because her hero uses one. Her reflexes however are excellent, she could dodge even arrows and crossbow bolts if she sees them coming.


  • Baby Liis is the only character Binkie said he was confident to win against, though he would feel very bad about it.

  • Verivorst is Liis absolutely favorite food, she will always carry a few on her.

  • An excellent singer, even her howls contain a mesmerizing note only she could pull off.


Suggested reading order :