Gabriel Zima

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Gabriel was a lowborn polish who had to work towards his knighthood. Former squire of the esteemed Pascal Karrotte, who taught him all the ropes of being a knight, Gabriel has yet to surpass him. They still share a pretty strong bond as brothers in arms. He also was part of the Winged Hussards for a time, but his efforts in hunting Lycans and werebeasts made him part ways with the order. He has turned down multiple offers to serve the King of Carthigia, preferring to be more of a Vagrant Knight that serves the realm.

Very fond of dogs, he would rather enjoy their company than any sentient being; his favorite breed is huskies. During his early years as a knight, his best friend and trusted companion was his dog Lucky, who died during a quest. The Hunter Knight now wears his fur on his back as a memory of his old friend. During the cleansing of a lycanthropy infestation, he met Liis Kuldmuna, who resembled Lucky a lot. Because of it, Gabriel saved her from the Siege Knight.

He is a candidate to become the chosen knight of Diligence for his constant effort to eradicate lycanthropy, and because he is a slave to the past and holds on to his hatred. The reason he was claimed by Diligence and not Wrath is because the hunter values his duties and obligations more than his wrath, and is known to be a knight who works himself like a slave. His duty is never over until lycanthrophy ceases to exist. Diligence felt the force of will emanating from him. Because Diligence thinks that his convictions are stronger than those of the Siege Knight, they chose to bless him instead of Siegfried during their fight. Gabriel's convictions tend to the extreme, and for example, should a werewolf be very civil, integrate well into society, and even become a knight, he yet wouldn't be able to allow them to live peacefully and tolerate their existence.

Gabriel only accepts payments in silver grails, because he boils a part of it down in order to make weapons for his hunts, and keeps the rest to buy furniture and goods. He’s popular enough than people would offer him a place to stay and eat for free, for the songs about the good hunter who saved towns from danger are well spread, at least in Great Europa, and most townsfolk would want him around for the safety he brings.


Unnaturally strong, his strength far exceeds that of a regular human. It seems like his body operates at 75% capacity instead of the regular 30%. He wields a gun-axe like Polish people did, albeit much larger. His main activity being werewolf hunts, most if not all his weapons and protection are made from silver or silver coated. He's also very fond of all kind of traps.

During his encounter with the Siege Knight, he was temporarily blessed by Diligence, making his eyes glow gold, which is usually a mark of divine powers at play. At that exact moment, he became a chosen, or at least a candidate of Diligence, and became able to issue commands to people, and thus unconsciously willed his body to stand despite suffering critical injuries.


  • Gabriel loves Krakow bagels.

  • Lucky was made to look a bit like Liis Kuldmuna, because she technically showed up first in the Hunter Knight’s story.

  • Wulffolk sort of gravitate towards Hunter Knight, its like they could smell a thousand dogs on him that they are drawn to him. He’s very popular much to his dismay.


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