Wu Zaita

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Within the Familiar Lands, few creatures can compete with the strength of Demigods, let alone one that retains their higher thinking abilities. The Jade Empress is one such entity, a Demigod of Greed who wields an iron claw over the Jade Fang Empire.

She has barely been on the throne for a year, as the former Emperor abdicated once the empress Wu's apparent divinity became obvious. Despite her lack of experience and training in leading a country, she appears to have the aptitude for it, albeit she is no stranger to making a mistake or three. However, as a young and inquisitive spirit, she finds herself frequently escaping her obligations and traveling to different countries solely for the sake of curiosity without warning any of her servants and retainers, which of course get mad because of it. She find herself collecting toys, perhaps because a lack of proper childhood, or she simply because she like dolls and figurines.

She absolutely hates the fact that that the chosen of greed is some filthy great european, she’d much rather have a chosen that is based in the Jade Empire as it has been for awhile. She has yet to converse with him though, but is planning to do so.


She has collected a great trove of magical artifacts as an empress, the majority of which she consumes, either by absorbing or literally swallowing it, in order to boost her latent magical ability. Power cultivation is essential within the Jade Fang Empire, and the empress must remain at the forefront of this discipline. She’s young, and still has not unlocked her full potential as a Demigod though. In time she will have more wisdom, but for now she’s relying on her intuition and luck.


  • She enjoys bathing in a hot tub filled with everbloom, which are the primary ingredient in creating a healing potion, because it rejuvenates her and makes her all pretty.