Keiko Matsumori

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Keiko is wandering samurai who came to Great Europa to test her skills and a few other things, desperately looking for glory and honor. She's also searching for a man that dishonored her family. Considering herself as rival to Flayne la Karrotte, with who she often argue that Bushido is cooler than Chivalry. The two have at least once clashed in a duel, in which Keiko lost. One of the reasons she's so fixated on Flayne is because she is attracted to strong and confident people. She has already met with Flayne's father, Pascal Karrotte.

Due to her noble upbringing and generally higher education and status, she usually acts all haughty and arrogant. However this is usually not intentional for she simply doesn't know how to act normal, and can't convey her desires and ideas properly. Surprisingly yet, she crumbles easily in both social situations and physical altercations, as she’s just not very good with people. The kitsune is a fussy young lady, who would want the finest of foods and only wear the finest of silks she could get her hands on. Keiko loves anything sourdough, and is a rather huge germophobe as well. Despite her armor and clothing sometimes, she cares highly of her femininity, trying her very best to look beautiful at any occasion.


Keiko has a deeper understanding of magic and sorcery than the usual folk in the western lands, but she chooses to use her magic as little as possible for honorable reasons. She could be considered a prodigy as she doesn't train very often but yet manages to master many great techniques amassed lots of knowledge through the reading of various books. She is actually very skilled, but most of the time simply not very informed, which causes her to lose.

Keiko is surprisingly resilient despite her low constitution. She has already survived a slingshot to the head from Sancha Gobzales, which often proves deadly. At a certain point of injury, Keiko starts running on autopilot, with her mind barely holding up but her body moving regardless. On those moments she displays a hollow look because she mentally checked out. She is skilled in the wielding of a variety of weapons, her favorite being the katana, but she also possess a naginata and a kanabo.


  • She has a few tails, but those are hidden underneath an illusion magic. The amount of tails a kitsune has, the more gifted they are in most aspects. Her tails are fluffy.

  • Keiko is the most bullyable character, followed by Flayne.

  • Binkie said Keiko was the type to spend hundreds of hours in Animal Crossing, making sure all her neighbors are happy.


Suggested reading order :