Sarnai Bataar

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Sarnai originate from a nomadic orc tribe in the great steppes of Mongori, like her brother Temugen Bataar. Being the Khan's Daughter, she has the added responsibility of keeping her nomadic tribe safe, and learn what it means to be a strong and fair leader. Though this has not stopped her from being extremely curious about the world outside the steppes. Despite her tomboyish appearance she is considered to be quite feminine in demeanor, finding quite a great many things cute, and have a deep love of fashion.

In orc tribes, no matter their gender, only the strongest gets to become khan or Khatun, chiefs of the clan. Thus Sarnai may one day replace her father and become Khatun as well.


Despite an orc's natural strength, Sarnai prefer sabers over axes, considering the weapon to be more elegant, and matched to her excellent agility. She also wears a padded scales armor and is proficient in riding.


  • Sarnai has a large collection of stuffed toys.