Menace Marks

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Menace Marks Title.png

The world of Familiar Lands is packed with deadly creatures that are classified with varying levels of threat to determine if they are simply dangerous to an individual or a group as a whole. A crown seal is equivalent to a Menace Mark, and it indicates the level of experience a Knight should have before confronting these terrifying creatures.

This ranking is to take with a grain of salt, as rumors say that when bestowed a name, a monster can become exponentially more powerful. The story of Old Bale-eye, a bear who defeated three Knights, losing an eye in the process, is an often used illustration by minstrels and bards.

Crabostato Marks.png
Goblins Marks.png

1 M Marks.png

  • A threat only in great numbers, these monsters can be handled by beginners.
  • One can still meet their end if they underestimate their opponent, even a crabostabo can land a good strike after all.
  • There is no glory in claiming trophies and rewards from a 1 Menace Mark monster.

Owlrilla Marks.png
Lycans Marks.png

3 M Marks.png

  • Threats meant for experienced Knights, that are difficult to defeat with a partner, let alone with a single Knight.
  • Due to either their very high physical strength or extreme cunning mind, they could easily kill an unarmored Knight with a few strikes.
  • A trophy or material harvested from a 3+ menace would be good profit, silvers aplenty could be made.

Juvenile Dragons Marks.png
Elder Wendigo Marks.png

5 M Marks.png

  • Extremely dangerous threats that usually requiring a whole squad of Knights to tackle. They are either magically gifted or possess immense physical prowess.
  • A senior Knight could possibly contend with a 5+ Menace mark, at great difficulty.
  • They usually require special methods to be taken down, like Silver or Adamantine arrows.
  • Extremely valuable materials can be harvested from their carcass, worth plenty of gold.

Demi God Pride Marks.png

10 M Marks.png

  • Could potentially end nations if not stopped, the interference of Chosen Knights is often mandatory to contend against such powerful beings.
  • Able to potentially wipe armies by themselves, a documented case has happened when a Demigod of Pride brought the nation of Pruzia to its knees, burning its people and great buildings into ashes.
  • They often pose such a grave threat that a collaboration between nations is required to subdue them.
  • Usually a mark of this caliber possess such a strong presence that it might be overwhelming to the uninitiated. Most would be unable to fight, out of primordial instinctive fear.