Klara Haas

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Klara is one of the oldest sibling in her very large family, which originates from Gehrmani. Thus, she feels a great sense of responsibility in ensuring the continuation and prosperity of the Haas Family. She has a bachelor's degree in civil engineering, however this does not land her any jobs or gigs due to the brutal job market currently in Carthigia, where nobody would trust a beastfolk to be an engineer. She has spent many hours in unpaid internships until her coffers ended up completely empty. Even though her degree doesn't grant her much opportunities, she swiftly raised through the ranks of mercenary companies and decided to go independent after an incident which challenged her morals. She's working as a guard with House Karrotte now.


Though her talents in combat is respectable, her true skills lies in engineering, though she refuse to create siege engines or devices because she believes that it would be an insult to her education. As such, she only builds defensive and civilian structures. She needs glasses to read well, but she functions well enough without them when it comes to the field. Because she is providing for her family, she accepts most the job she is proposed, as long as it’s not a suicide mission.


  • She's a vegetarian, her favorite food is the carrot kimchi a distant relative made for her, she yearns the chance to eat it again. For now she gorge upon sauerkraut, sourdough breads, and peasant bread.
  • Klara is attracted to financially stable/confident people.
  • The surname Haas comes from the Dutch word haas, which means hare.


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