Brimi Kindling

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Deep Dwarves, originates from Dwarheim underneath Great Europa. Her kin usually settle near lava deposits, yet surprisingly Brimi actually prefers the ambiant temperature of the surface, though she's an exception not the norm. Deep dwarves tend to live way underground, and very few would travel up the surface. She decided to travel because she was just a little bit more ambitious than her folks.


Brimi is a very skilled blacksmith, said to be able to fix and repair anything. She takes pride in crafting a lot of weird weapons and gizmos, much to Flayne la Karrrotte liking, which is one of her most regular customer. Even to the point where she would willingly give her discounts on her buys, as she can always use test subjects for her new inventions.

Flayne’s armor for example was a custom commission by Pascal Karrotte to Brimi. She also forged Keiko Matsumori's naginata from deep steel, because she couldn't get her hands on tamahagane like she requested.


  • A deep Dwarve's primary food source of food is rock.
  • Her kin is too heavy to swim, and thus always sink in water.


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